This week I took my very first bike ride of 2022. It was one of those moments I thought, should I or shouldn’t I go? After all, I typically don’t get my bike riding season officially started until late April after many showers pave the way to the new life around us to be born in the form of buds, blades of grass, and stems of tulips poking through the soil. There was something about the sun shining and a beautifully sunny, yet windy 70-degree day that said just go already, what are you waiting for?
I was happy I did because sure enough, the next day was back to rain and cold once again.
This got me thinking about all the friends that are important to me through all the storms in my life—from the gentle rainfalls, you don’t mind to the harsh hailstorms of health issues, grieving the death of a loved one, etc. These are the friends that don’t ask for permission to check on you at any time of the day, are never too busy to drop what they are doing to be a delightful ear to listen to.
They are all-weather friends—holding that umbrella to catch your tears when you need them the most.
I consider myself extremely grateful to have made these soul connections along the way and I hope to make more as I wander through each day of my life. The quality of these friendships is truly amazing.
So today I invite you to think of friends you consider to be your inclement weather friends. Give them a shout of hello, a cheer of happiness, or perhaps make some plans to get something on the calendar and if you are feeling bold enough, get a selfie to cherish that experience. You never know when you will need to pull out that picture to remind you of the special qualities you share—the bonds in each other’s lives.
I’m cheering for you, hoping you will stay as dry as possible in the storms of life.
To all my friends, thank you for cheering for me—with and without an umbrella.
